The Caracol Industrial Park (CIP) is a mixed-use light manufacturing facility that began operating in 2012. Standing at 246 hectares, it is owned by the Government of Haiti, and managed by the Unité Technique d'Éxecution (UTE) under Haiti’s Ministry of Commerce and Industry. The CIP employs 14,000 persons with plans for expansion.
The Caracol Park demonstrates the power of partnership where a diverse group of stakeholders come together to jointly promote an ambitious goal: the creation of thousands of sustainable jobs in one of Haiti's poorest regions. Partners include the communities of Haiti's Northern region, the Government of Haiti, the Inter-American Development Bank and the United States Government.
Partners have committed to establishing the necessary infrastructure for a globally competitive 250ha full-service industrial park, including solid waste disposal, state of the art waste water treatment facilities, modern industrial buildings, and the infrastructure necessary to support the integration of the Park into the Northern region and support the sustainable growth of surrounding communities. Investments include accessible roads, new port facilities, reliable supply of electricity and the construction of housing in commuting distance. Total committed public investments in the project exceed $224m. The Park, located in proximity to the town of Caracol in Haiti's northern region, is on track to open for business in March 2012 with construction underway.
The passing of the Haiti Economic Lift Program (HELP) Act in May 2010 by the U.S. Congress became a critical catalyst by significantly increasing U.S. trade preferences for Haitian apparel, making Haiti much more attractive to large scale manufacturing operations.
In January 2011, Sae-A, one of the world's leading garment manufacturers, signed an agreement to become the Park's anchor tenant and establish a leading-edge apparel manufacturing complex, fully vertically integrated with onsite fabric mills, printing and embroidery.
The Caracol Park, owned by the Haitian Government's "Société Nationale des Parcs Industriels (SONAPI)" and run by a private management firm, is projected to create 20,000 permanent jobs from Sae-A's investments alone. An estimated total of 65,000 jobs could be created in the Park with the arrival of other tenants and factory buildings. The Caracol Park represents an important economic priority identified by the Government of Haiti to spur the growth of jobs throughout the country and create economic opportunities beyond the capital Port-au-Prince.
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